
All characters between hexadecimal 20 and 7E (blank through tilde), and all characters between hexadecimal A0 and FE (right hand graphics) are self inserting. They are inserted into the buffer at the current location of dot, and dot moves 1 character to the right.

Any self inserting character can be given an argument. This argument is used as a repeat count, and the character is inserted that number of times. This is useful for creating lines of * characters of a specific length, and other pseudo-graphic things. [1]##1 [Foobar] \labelwidth =
\leftmargin =
\labelsep =
\listparindent =

[C-M] The return key works just like you would expect it to work; it inserts a newline character. Lines can be split by moving into the middle of the line, and inserting a newline.

If dot is positioned at end of line, and the line after the current line is a blank line, then C-M does not insert a newline, but simply moves to the first position on the following line. This lets you create a block of blank space (perhaps using C-O) and then type text into it. [C-O] This command creates blank lines. To be precise, it inserts a newline by doing a C-B, and then backs up by doing a C-B. If dot is at the start of a line, this will leave dot sitting on the first character of a new blank line. [C-Q, M-Q] Characters which are special to MicroEMACS can be inserted by using this command. The next character after the C-Q or M-Q is stripped of any special meaning. It is simply inserted into the current buffer. Any argument specified on the C-Q or M-Q command is used as the insert repeat count.

TheC-Q form of the command is the easiest to use. However, some terminals demand that MicroEMACS perform XON/XOFF processing. If this is the case, the C-Q will be eaten by low level terminal support, and will not be usable as a command. The M-Q form can always be used.